Superhero Yoga Moves for Dorks
Badass Muscle Moves To Wow Gym Hotties
Got a Gym Crush, Yoga Hottie or Fit Chick
You're Dying to Approach?
There's a better way - give her a reason to notice YOU.
Move Like a Ninja
Imagine having the confidence, the swagger, the strength, and the finesse to effortlessly float up into impossible-looking, badass muscle poses like a ninja.
How would that feel?
How might it change your life?
Would gym hotties be hitting on YOU?
Is 2017 the year you're going to find out?
You are living the life you want.
If you wanted a different life you would choose a different life.
Why not make every second of every move of every workout count? Why not laser focus all of the effort you're currently wasting on the results you really want? This is your sliding door moment - stop living trapped inside someone else's limits - choose right now to start living the life you've only dreamed of in the body you wish you had with the confidence to approach gym hotties you never imagined possible.
Stop Lying To Yourself
It's time to face facts. You don't work out to be healthy, to live longer, to improve your cardiovascular fitness, or any of that blah-blah-blah.
You Work Out For Only 2 Reasons
- To Meet Hot Chicks
- To Look Great Naked
- Period, Full Stop, Done
So how's that going for you? Are you meeting those hot chicks? How do you feel about dancing naked in front of a mirror?
Not So Much...
Uh-huh, that's what I thought. I know. I've been there. I feel your pain. Seriously, dude, I'm talking decades of feeling your pain. Until I finally figured it out...
The day I actually started changing the shape of my body, AND looking cool while doing it, is the day I figured out what I'm about to teach you.
Here's The Problem
- Wasted Time
- Wasted Energy
- Lame-Ass Results
Are You Conventional? Or Adventurous?
In case you haven't gotten the memo, here's the memo:
Keep doing the same lame exercises as everyone else, and you'll look like everyone else.
Look around, would you be happy with the results of the average gym-goer?
Wasted Time
Sure you spend lots of time at the gym, but it's wasted time, doing the same old repetitive, linear, core-stabilized, mid-range, peripheral isolation moves that everyone else is doing.
Wasted Energy
So you exhaust yourself with your workouts, but you're just exhausting and bulking up the same small isolated bundle of mid-range fibers over and over and over and over and over again.
Lame-Ass Results
So look in the mirror. Take a selfie. What do you see?
Do you see every sharp, chiseled, shredded, linear, cut, muscle definition line that you want to see?
Or... Not so much...
Why the F--- Not?
Seriously, with all the time, energy, and money your spending...
Why the #*!?* F--- Not?
Look In The Mirror
Take A Selfie
What Do You See?
If You're Not Seeing Every Sharp, Chiseled, Shredded, Linear, Cut, Muscle Definition Line You Want - Then You're Just Wasting Time.
For the amount of time and energy you're spending, you deserve a complete transformation - to a confident, strong, lean sculpted body that can effortlessly execute extraordinary feats of strength with finesse and style.
Living A Default Life
Just like your computer and your phone, the people in your life - friends, family, colleagues, training partners, trainers, even the machines at the gym, have set defaults for you. These are the limits beyond which you are just not expected to perform. But where do these limits come from? Who set them? And why are you living within them?
The Time Machine
If you could travel back in time and give your former self one piece of fitness advice - would you tell yourself to do exactly what you've been doing all these years?
Of course you wouldn't. Because you're looking in the mirror right now and not loving your results, so what advice would you give your former self?
I could have saved myself years of struggle living inside a body I hated if I could tell my former self to stop living a default life, stop doing the same lame-ass exercises as everyone else and trapping yourself within their limits. Learn how to set your own limits and push beyond them, just a little bit, every day.
The day I figured out exactly how to do that is the day I started actually changing my body and the day I started developing the system I'm about to teach you.
Right now, you are exactly where I was, so I can essentially travel back in time and give you the advice I wish I could have given my former self.
The day I started transforming my body, my confidence, my swagger, and the way I work out, is the day I figured out exactly what I'm about to teach you
One day I'm walking on the beach and I see a dude doing this:
Now I'm Thinking:
- That's impossible
- I'm too fat
- I'm too weak
- I'm the wrong body type
- I'm not an "athlete"
- I'm too lazy
- I'll never stick with it
- No natural balance
- Got the wrong genes
- Not flexible enough
- Gotta commit to hours at the gym for years
- Gotta give up pizza & ice cream forever
- Not gonna happen
- No F---in' Way
I also noticed that women were noticing him, even approaching him. They were actually hitting on this dude! I knew I wanted to BE that dude! But I also knew (or thought I knew) I never could. Moves like that were just physically impossible for my body. My body type, my genes, I thought, were my destiny.
But, at that moment, It hit me. I asked myself the question I wish I had asked years ago: Who set my defaults? Whose limits were constraining my life? And why?
The Simplest Possible
Step-By-Step System
On The Only Results You Care About
Why is it that you can do hundreds of these squats:
But not a single one of these?
Why are you wasting time doing hundreds of crunches and not seeing those sharp, shredded ab lines in the mirror?
Have you ever even imagined doing a crunch like this?
The reason is you've been trapped by someone else's limitations, and convinced that your body isn't capable of pushing beyond those limits. But you're wrong.
So you waste your workout time on the same repetitive linear core stabilized peripheral midrange isolation moves that your trainer or gym buddy has taught you.
Those exercises are just keeping you busy, spinning your wheels - they will never get you noticed by gym hotties and they will never get you the sharp, shredded, cut muscle lines you want to see in the mirror.
To get there you have to laser-focus all of your efforts, every second of every move of every workout, on the sharp cut shredded muscle definition lines you want to see. You have to be the sculptor literally making every cut, every serration, making every single muscle fiber pop - and how about looking cool, gaining confidence and swagger and getting noticed while doing it?
Make everything as simple as possible, but no simpler
- Albert Einstein
If This is Where you're at, you're in the right place:
Gym Crush? Yoga Hottie? Fit Chick? Want to impress her without a word?
Feel like Urkel in yoga class?
Want to build lean muscle, burn fat and look cool while doing it?
Tired of wasting all the time and energy working out while not seeing the results you love in the mirror?
Bored of doing the same repetitive exercises as everyone else.
Hiding beneath baggy t-shirts and in the dark corners of the gym and the back of fitness class
Realize, for the first time, that your whole life you've been constraining yourself to living trapped within other people's limits?
Think your body might be capable of extraordinary feats of strength but you just don't know where to start?
Well, You're in the right place
Your Instructor
Hi, I'm Mark the Yoga Doc
Now back to my epiphany on the beach...
I just asked myself - isn't my body composed of the exact same elements as that dude's? Last time I checked I had all the bones, the joints the muscles. What's stopping me from doing that?
I realized that the only thing stopping me was the constraint of all the limitations that others had put on me. I was trapped inside someone elses limitation - how f---ing ridiculous is that?
so at that moment I decided to stop living within the constraints of someone else's limits and start setting my own by developing the simplest one-rule system I could imagine - laser-focus every second of every move of every workout on the only results that matter.
I mean, why not make every second of every move of every workout count and look cool doing it? That's what the step-by-step tutorials in this course will teach you.
One Rule
Every move looks cool and is laser-focused on sculpting the sharp, lean, cut muscle definition lines I wanted to see in the mirror and in selfies.
It was that simple
I applied my brain, anatomy and biomechanics and developed this step-by-step system in which every move looks cool and is laser-focused on the only results that matter - sharp, linear, cut, lean muscle lines that pop. Period.
Maximum badass for minimal effort - the moves that look the hardest but that you can master in the least amount of time
You are living the life you want. If you wanted a different life you would choose a different life.
Choose to transform your workouts, your body, and your confidence right now.
What this course is NOT:
- NOT a repetitive, soul-crushingly boring fitness video series
- NOT a "watch me workout and be impressed" video
- NOT a typical workout targeting results you don't really care about, or no results at all
What this course IS
A simple, detailed, step-by-step transformative system to take you from where you are right now and transform you into a confident, lean-muscle machine, to take you from:
- Bozo to Badass
- Nerd to Ninja
- Zero to Superhero
In the quickest, simplest way possible
with every second of every move along the way laser-focused on the only results you care about:
The coolest, most impossible-looking moves that you can master in the least amount of time.
The fewest, simplest steps to get you there
Optimized for maximal muscle fiber definition along the way so there are no wasted moves, time, or energy.
For a single one-time fee of less than the price of a single hour of personal training you can have lifetime access to a transformative guaranteed system of step-by step moves - learn at your own pace - custom designed and engineered to take you from zero to hero, from nerd to ninja, from bozo to badass and completely transform your body, your confidence, and the way you work out forever.
These are specially selected moves that speak for themselves- optimized for sharp cut shredded muscle fiber lines that pop & the almost magical effortless looking paradoxical combo of seeming impossibility, extraordinary strength & effortless finesse combined with maximal cool factor.
- sift thru the soul -crushing boredom of all the repetition videos - rep after motivation-killing rep with no results
- weed out all the impossible pro-athlete-fitness-models-only videos for people who have nothing to do but train all day
- Hunt down the moves you’re actually capable of learning that will look cool and give you the quickest results
- Figure out exactly where you are with compared to the fitness model in the video with respect to strength, endurance, flexibility, balance, …
- break down everything in between where you are and the final result into a logical progression of tiny sub-steps that will provide smooth, safe progress that require the least thought and won’t waste energy and time
Skip the guesswork...
the difference isn't just time and effort. The difference is that each sub-step of each of these moves is custom-designed and engineered to take you from your current level of ability, step-by-simple step, to a tangible result - mastering a badass muscle move quickly, easily, and with finesse and confidence.
Or, for less than half the price of a fitbit, less than a single hour of personal training, you could have lifetime access to the complete done-for-you system that you can execute immediately, mindlessly, with all your energy focused on results and at your own pace that will take you from nerd to ninja in 30 days.
Don't Waste Another Heartbeat
A human life is 27,375 days long and each day you get about 86,400 heartbeats. How many of those days, how many of those heartbeats, how many hours of soul-crushing repetitive boredom, how many dollars, have you already wasted NOT laser-focused on the results you really want, living inside a body you don't like?
Every single day you waste hiding behind baggy workout clothes in the dark corners of the gym, in the back of the class and not laser-focused on the results you want takes you one day and one heartbeat further from living the life you really want.
Imagine actually spending every one of those days showing off your cool moves and your lean muscle. Start transforming your workouts, and your body, right now.
Every step of every tutorial is specifically selected and designed for:
- Optimal cool factor
- Maximum muscle fiber definition
- Minimal Effort
- Speed
I spent a painstakingly long time researching the most awesome insane badass impossible-looking moves that are the easiest and quickest to learn. Then developing the simplest possible step-by-step system to master them, and look cool while doing it.
Each of these moves is designed and specially selected to give maximum bang for the buck - to optimize muscle fiber definition and the cool factor.
Course Curriculum
PreviewHandstand Module Overview (2:46)
StartHandstand Tutorial 1 - 4 legged Rocker (4:10)
StartHandstand Tutorial 2 - 3 legged Rocker (3:51)
StartHandstand Tutorial 3 - 2 legged Rocker (3:56)
StartHandstand Tutorial 4 - Climb The Wall (3:23)
StartHandstand Tutorial 5 - Tuck & Roll (3:04)
StartHandstand Tutorial 6 - Hang Dog (3:49)
StartHandstand Tutorial 7 - Sky Dog (2:58)
StartHandstand Tutorial 8 - Sky Dog Tuck & Roll (3:17)
StartHandstand Tutorial 9 - Sky Dog Freeze (3:53)
Are you sure you’re ready for this transformation?
because if you’re not, I don’t want you to do it.
I’m serious. If you’re not ready to transform your body, your workouts, and your confidence so that you have the swagger to approach the baddest, hottest, fittest, chick in the gym, then don’t do it.
I don’t Just Want You to Succeed
I ree-hee-hee-hee-heeeeeeeeeally want you to succeed.
I want you to experience the same transformation that I did - from hating my body and hiding my belly to peeling off my shirt at the beach and executing extraordinary feats of strength like a boss with confidence, swagger, and finesse.
I DEFINITELY DO NOT want you to buy this obsessively researched, painstakingly designed, precision engineered, and carefully customized system and then treat it like just another fitness video - with a half-assed effort for a few days and then give up.
I’m so confident that by following my simple step-by-step system anyone can master these impossible-looking moves, and completely transform their body, confidence, and the way they workout that I’m going to go wayyyyyyy out on a limb for you...
A bonus that will make your head explode and an ironclad zero-risk money-back guarantee
for a limited time, while this discount coupon is still in effect I’m offering a mind-blowing, knock-your-socks-off ridiculously generous bonus that’s going away forever once that clock stops ticking.
Personal coaching calls with me.
for a limited time, while this discount coupon is still in effect I’m offering a mind-blowing, knock-your-socks-off ridiculously generous bonus that’s going away forever once that clock stops ticking.
Personal coaching calls with me.
Every week, you’ll get a 15-minute personal coaching call in which you can tell me or show me exactly what step of which move is giving you trouble and I will:
personally walk you step-by-step through the fix and...
send you a customized video guaranteed to get you past that obstacle.
And If I don’t have you nailing these badass muscle moves in 30 days I’ll personally refund your money, no questions asked.
I’ll personally take full responsibility for getting you there - so the risk is all mine.
this is an unbelievable offer that is DEFINITELY NOT going to last.
so here’s what you’ve got to do - click that BUY NOW button RIGHT NOW to lock in your discount and your personal coaching calls.
You know exactly what results you want, and you know you’re not getting them - don’t wait even one second longer to start transforming your workouts, your body, your confidence, and your life. Every second you wait is one less second you could be chatting with a gym hottie who’ s hitting on YOU!
Courses Included with Purchase

Original Price: $47
Frequently Asked Questions
Get started now!
You are living the life you want. If you wanted a different life you would choose a different life.
Why not make every second of every move of every workout count? Why not laser focus all of your effort on the results you really want, on the life you really want? This is your sliding door moment - stop living trapped inside someone else's limits - choose right now to live the life you've only dreamed of in the body you wish you had with the confidence and swagger to approach gym hotties you never imagined possible.